Women are knocked down by cattle in Vadodara – News2IN

Women are knocked down by cattle in Vadodara

Women are knocked down by cattle in Vadodara
Written by news2in

Vadodara: On the Major Day of the City of Drew Falk from BJP President of the State for Livestock Threats, there is more a shame for Vadodara Municpal Corporation (VMC) when a old woman is torn down by a cow in New with Road.
Paatil has carved the Mayor of Keyur Rokadiya for not doing enough to overcome the threat of livestock that lost in the city in public function on Monday.
Madhu Solanki woman, Navayard Regional resident, suffered her hip fracture because of the incident that occurred at the same time when VMC officials had experienced honsers to discuss livestock threats after the statement of Paatil on the day.
Meanwhile VMC states that it has done better than other cities when it comes to taking actions against lost livestock.
Rokadiya reiterated that the Civic body had arrested 690 cattle and registered 28 police complaints against their owners.
He said that this number was the highest in the state.
Rokadiya said that soon that Therr would be nine teams to confiscate livestock in the city.
He said that livestock concluded would be sent to various’ Panjprapoles.
“This shelt of livestock which was previously given Rs 1,500 per cow on their maintenance is now paid by Rs 3,000 per animal.
He said that Paatil’s statement was taken as a positive criticism.
However, Jibes Paatil triggered the main political ranks in the BJP.
Many believe that someone from a party It itself might be misinformed by Paatil and does not present a real picture.
others believe that it is the fact that livestock is still on the road and true Paatil in this shows.

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