Pandemic, politics encourages XI’s absence from global talks – News2IN

Pandemic, politics encourages XI’s absence from global talks

Pandemic, politics encourages XI's absence from global talks
Written by news2in

Beijing: Chinese President Xi Jinping has been absent from groups of 20 summits in Rome and global climate negotiations this week in Scotland, draw criticism from US President Joe Biden and questions about greenhouse gas commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
China is the largest carbon dioxide emitter in the world and has promised to start reducing the output in 2030 and obtained carbon neutrality in 2060.
The US and others have urged Beijing to make greater commitments, but administration XI greatly implies them just going to come with Rewards for political concessions.
China has imposed strict travel restrictions during the Pandemic Coronavirus and XI have not left the country since traveling January 2020 to neighboring Myanmar.
It was only a few weeks before the plague, believed to be from the city of China Wuhan, spread throughout the world.
China has received heavy pressure to disclose more information about the origin of the pandemic and has been accused of misunderstanding the plague and then tried to cover up its mistakes.
China has also received severe criticism of its policy on Muslims in the Xinjiang region and its severity of civil rights in Hong Kong.
Like all Chinese leaders, XI is very aware of the image and its public appearance carefully choreography to avoid potentially embarrassing confrontation.
His previous travel schedule took him across the continent, with the first mother Peng Liyuan, a powerful musician, at hand to add a little glamorous and human touch.
The trip included a trip to several African countries and meetings with the former Emperor of Japan in Tokyo.
XI took a gold train with a Queen of England Elizabeth and paid a visit to the North Korean capital which included a ride through city streets coated with tens of thousands of hard-line communist citizens.
Such trips have underlined more decisive China’s foreign policy, because the second largest economy in the world tried to mobilize its influence outside East Asia with the Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure Investment Program Overseas Signature XI.
The Presidential Decree not to attend a meeting in Rome and Glasgow seemed to be contrary to that policy, even though XI was not alone in staying away.
Russian President Vladimir Putin, whose country has been in harmony with China in opposing US influence on world affairs, also remain at home.
`I think it is a big mistake, frankly, for China, with respect to China does not appear,` `said Biden Monday at the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow.
“ They lose the ability to influence people around the world and everyone here in the COP in the same way, I think, related to Russia, said ‘Biden.
Responding to Biden’s comments, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Wang Wenbin on Wednesday said China’s response to climate change ‘`was concrete“ and referred to recent achievements in reforestation and renewable energy.
Friction in bilateral relations makes it difficult for cooperation in climate change between the two countries, said Shi Yinhong, professor of international relations at the University of Renmin Beijing.
Biden has taken COP26 as an `important opportunity for China and the US to compete for global influence, ideology and image,` `said Shi, which connects the absence of XI from the meeting with the ‘zero tolerance’ approach to dealing with a pandemic, which is partly Large controlled domestically.
Although not leaving China, XI remained in touch with the head of a foreign state through a virtual meeting, Zhao Kejin said, who taught international relations at Tsinghua Beijing University.
The US wants Chinese cooperation in response to climate change, but Beijing is also seeking changes in US policy, including its support for Taiwan Island that regulates itself, which is claimed by China as its own territory, Zhao said.
“ These results are produced by u.s.
Failed to integrate bond with China into a whole multilateral relationship, “ Zhao said.

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