Trader Kidnapped, RS 9L extorted from him – News2IN

Trader Kidnapped, RS 9L extorted from him

Trader Kidnapped, RS 9L extorted from him
Written by news2in

Rajkot: Rajkot-based imitation traders have been kidnapped and squeezed for RS 9 lakh by people who are known to him.
However, victims were afraid after being threatened by the kidnappers to remain silent and not close to the police even after his release.
The victim Hasmukh Virani finally filed a complaint with the Rajkot Taluka police station two weeks after the incident when his family and friends knew about it, police said.
According to the police, Virani has bought a house for RS 31 Lakh from one Samuben Madariya and the registration process completed on October 26.
Gradson-in-law Samuben, Kruplinsinh Gehil, is an intermediary in this agreement, said Virani Police.
After an excessive agreement, Gohil approached Virani again one month later and convinced him to check out other properties, lure him to get many things.
As was appointed, they met near Balaji Hall on November 23 afternoon and the duo went to see the property in the car Gohil.
Gohil showed Virani property from the outside on Jalan Morbi before taking it to the flat on the 12th floor where a man named Jaydeep was already present.
Gohil and Jaydeep began talking privately in another room, when Gohil insisted that he also had to be part of the discussion.
Those Trio returned to the gohil car, but this time Jaydeep put a gun like a gun on Virani’s forehead and the duo forcibly beat him in a farmhouse.
They took Rs 12,000 of the Virani pocket and forced him to transfer the other 15,000 RS through UPI.
They demanded more money and Virani call his relatives, Manubhai, asked him to lend Rs 7.5 lakh to the request that he needed money after buying a house.
Gohil sent the person to collect money from Manubhai.
Virani was again forced to call another friend and his brother at Rs 1.8 lakh totally.
After receiving around Rs 9.5 Lakh, the Duo released Virani near Balaji Hall after threatening it to remain silent about it.

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