In Gujarat Village, Pancrayat women dictate the term – News2IN
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In Gujarat Village, Pancrayat women dictate the term

In Gujarat Village, Pancrayat women dictate the term
Written by news2in

Rajkot: We are the changes we are looking for, said former US President Barack Obama while stressing up to individuals to be a sign of change.
Similar perceptions were proposed by Mahatma Gandhi for a long time to find resonance with this strange little village in the Gir-Somnath district, Badalpara, a few decades later.
To revolutionize the thoughts and change its social norms, Badalpara handed over control of its perforation to women – a bold step in a stained state by the ratio of sex leaning.
Located nearly four kilometers from the city of Somnath Temple, Badalpara Village, who has received the Adarsh ​​Gram award for its cleanliness, carved its own changes by choosing only female members to Panchayat this year.
This is the sixth term from Panchayat Village, with a population of 2,000, where all members – one Sarpana and eight members – selected are undeniable.
This year, the Sarpanch seat is provided for the scheduled caste category and therefore, Kantaben Vara is appointed to coveted chairs.
“In more than 70 years it was strange after independence, our village never held the gram of Panchayat Against the development of women’s leaders after they took over, “said Rajiben Barad, a Panchayat member told.
Along with Pakka roads and 25 CCTV cameras for security, the village has installed 12 public announcement systems also not only for recreation with bhajans and music, but for all important announcements too.
It has 100 percent toilet facilities and also has a library.
The sign board has been placed near every road that contains not just a street name, but also the residents.
Every household here has also been equipped with water connections and water meters.
Bikhu Barad, the supervisor of Gram Panchayat, said that water meters are a measure to ensure no one throws away water.
“We will allow 15 to 18 liters of free water per person but outside it is charged a fee that will be decided by the next Pancrayat body,” Barad explained.
100% addicted free! What is considered the biggest achievement is that the village has removed himself from all addicted in 2004 and no one here was allowed to consume tobacco or Gutkha.
Under the body of an eagle-eyed woman, the rule was strictly followed while Pancrayat imposed a fine of Rs 500 for rules breakers.
Trying to keep the surroundings of green, Panchayat also planted around 10,000 trees in recent years.

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