Vadodara Civic Body’s Sursagar added a stone plan in uncertainty – News2IN

Vadodara Civic Body’s Sursagar added a stone plan in uncertainty

Vadodara Civic Body's Sursagar added a stone plan in uncertainty
Written by news2in

Vadodara: In what can be called a setback to Vadodara Municipal Corporation’s (VMC) plans to restart the boating facility in Lake Sursagar, an activist of consumer rights has raised safety issues for the project.
P V Moorjhani activist has issued a notification to VMC which raises concerns over the lack of safety guidelines and compensation packages.
Moorjhani has asked the Civic’s body to become clear in the compensation package that must be paid to the victims if there is an accident during boating.
“VMC said that if several accidents occurred during boating, the contractor would be responsible for it.
The Civic body tried to escape his responsibilities by placing responsibility for the contractor,” said Moorjhani Toi.
“In 1993, 22 Barodians died when a boat was upside down in Sursagar Lake.
Even then VMC said that the contractor was responsible for paying compensation.
We have approached the Supreme Court who has asked the VMC to deposit the amount of compensation first with the State Consumer Commission and then restore it From an insurance company, “Moorjhani, manages the trustee for Mandal Nagrik Gratings.
“The court has also asked VMC to issue clear security guidelines.
Even though SC verdict, VMC has not yet tried to divert all responsibilities to the contractor.
I have asked the Civic body to announce a certain number to be paid as compensation if several injuries or deaths occurred When boating, “Moorjhani added.
On August 11, 1993, a large tragedy was beaten when the boat carried 38 people upside down on Lake Sursagar.
Ship, has a capacity of 20 people, overloaded.
This problem achieves the state consumer dispute, the recovery commission where VMC is accused of negligence.
Civic’s body believes that insurance companies are responsible for compensation.
But SC also rejects VMC claims and asks the Civic body to deposit the amount of compensation first.
“If VMC does not become clear on compensation issues and states the security measures planned to be taken, I will approach the court,” Moorjhani said.

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