The US won the Appeal of Extradition Assange in the British Court – News2IN
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The US won the Appeal of Extradition Assange in the British Court

The US won the Appeal of Extradition Assange in the British Court
Written by news2in

LONDON: Founder of Wikileaks Julian Assange on Friday moved closer to dealing with criminal charges in the United States because one of the leakage of the biggest confidential information after Washington won a request in a British court.
The US authorities accused the Assange born in Australia, 50, of the 18 counts relating to the release of Wikileaks from the broad trove of secret military records and diplomatic cables, which he said was done in danger.
Assange supporters threw it as an anti-establishment hero who had been persecuted by the United States because of exposing our mistakes and dealing two worldwide from Afghanistan and Iraq to Washington.
In the Royal Court of Justice in London, the United States won an appeal against the decision by London District Judges that Assange should not be extradited because he tended to commit suicide in a US prison.
Judge Timothy Holriyde said he was satisfied with the guarantee package provided by the United States about the provisions of Assange’s detention, including the promise of not hugging him in what was called the maximum security prison “ADX” in Colorado and he could be transferred to Australia to serve the sentence if punished.
Further obstacles remained before Assange could be sent to the United States after Odyssey, who had taken it from teenage hackers in Melbourne years of hiding at the Ecuador Embassy in London and then imprisoned in maximum security prisons.
Wrangling Legal will go to the Supreme Court, the English Appeals High Court.
“It is very disturbing that the British court has canceled the decision not to extradite Assange Julian, receive an unclear guarantee by the Government of the United States,” said Assange’s lawyer, Barry Pollack, said.
“Mr Assange will look for reviews about this decision by the British Supreme Court.” Assange supporters gathered outside the court after the decision, the song “Free Assange Julian” and “no extradition”.
They tied hundreds of yellow ribbons to the court gate and raised the plaque said “journalism is not a crime”.
Holroyde judge said the case must now be sent to the Westminster Judge court with the direction of the judge to send him to the secretary of Priti Patel to decide whether Assange will be extradited or not.
The Assange helicopter attack, which denies an error, starts as a teen hacker with the nickname of Mundax – a classic Latin word for “liar” – but a few decades will then expose some of the dark secrets of the United States.
Wikileaks came to the advantage when publishing US military videos in 2010 showed the 2007 attack by Apache helicopters in Baghdad who killed a dozen people, including two Reuters news staff.
Then released thousands of secret files and diplomatic cables that lay US assessments that are often very critical of world leaders from Russian President Vladimir Putin to members of the Saudi Royal family.
Assange jumped guarantees and offered protection in 2012 by President of Ecuador President Correa.
He spent seven years hiding at the embassy in London while British police spent millions of dollars to watch any sign that would appear.
After the relationship with the equadorated Ecuador, Assange, with white hair and a long beard, was dragged by the British police.
The US Department of Justice said Assange was charged with conspiring with the former Chelsea Manning Intelligence Analyst to get access to government computers as part of a 2010 leakage by Wikils from hundreds of thousands of US military reports on war in Afghanistan and Iraq and America.
The US prosecutor and Western security officials consider Assange as a careless and dangerous enemy from the country whose actions suck the life of the source named in the leaky material.
The admirer has commended Assange as a hero to expose what they describe as abuse of power by modern countries and to fight for freedom of speech.
“This is the parody of justice,” said European Director of Amnesty International Nils Muižniek, who said the US charges raised “a big threat to the freedom of the press both in the United States and abroad”.

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