World Powers to Test Ikikad Both Iran for Commitment to June Text – Source – News2IN

World Powers to Test Ikikad Both Iran for Commitment to June Text – Source

World Powers to Test Ikikad Both Iran for Commitment to June Text - Source
Written by news2in

Vienna: The world’s power will assess for the next few days whether Iran is serious in nuclear negotiations after being shown ready to continue talks based on the text agreed in the last round in June, European source said on Friday.
Talks about reviving Iran 2015 nuclear agreement back on Thursday with the United States and Israel increase the pressure of rhetoric in Tehran about the possibility of economic or military consequences if diplomacy fails.
Top Iran’s negotiator said Tehran adhered to the attitude that was arranged last week, when the discussion with European and US officials accused Iran to make new demands and deny the compromise earlier this year.
“Iran said it was accepted to work from June texts.
It will now be tested for the next few days,” said the source, spoke with the terms of anonymity.
Working groups to discuss Washington sanctions may lift and the Tehran nuclear sidewalk need to observe the convention on Friday.
Indirect association of as-Iran in Vienna, where other diplomats from the remaining parties for the 2015 deal are now ragged – France, England, Germany, Russia and China – shuttle between them because Tehran refused direct contact with Washington, Aiming to get both sides to continue compliance with the agreement.
Under the agreement, Iran limits its nuclear program – which Western fear will be used to develop weapons, something denied Tehran – in return for assistance from the US, the European Union and UN sanctions.
Discussion last week was the first after a five-month hiatu caused by the election of the new Iranian hardline government under the anti-westernian President of the Ebrahim Relision.
Western officials said Iran had left any compromise he made in the six rounds of previous talks, bagging made by others, and demanded more last week.
Iran wants all sanctions imposed by the United States after – US President Donald Trump throws away the agreement in 2018, to be appointed in a verified process.
Iran began to violate a nuclear restriction of an agreement about one year after US withdrawal.

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