Israeli PM Meets Prince Crowns on the UAE Historic Visit – News2IN
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Israeli PM Meets Prince Crowns on the UAE Historic Visit

Israeli PM Meets Prince Crowns on the UAE Historic Visit
Written by news2in

Abu Dhabi: Israeli Prime Minister Naphtali Bennett met with Prince Crown Abu Dhabi Monday during the first visit by a Jewish leader to the United Arab Emirates, more than a year after two countries set up a bond.
Bennett’s visit came when Israel pursued diplomatic boost on international nuclear talks in Vienna who could ease sanctions on his enemies, Iran.
He was accepted by Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan in his personal palace, where they exchanged greetings before going inside for the conversation.
The visit came 15 months after UAE was rich in bankruptcy with several decades of Arabic consensus and diplomatic bonds forged under a series of transactions ordered by Abraham.
Bennett, who arrived late on Sunday and is expected to focus on the trading link, according to his spokesman, said his visit reflects the “new reality” for the Middle East.
“In my opinion, this …
new reality of this region witnessed, and we worked together to ensure a better future for our children,” he told the official UAE news agency.
Israel also increased diplomatic efforts on new talks in Vienna with Iran, for the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program.
Bennett has called for talks to be stopped, accusing Tehran from “nuclear extortion” and billing will use any income from sanction assistance to increase military warehouses that can endanger Israel.
On Thursday, the global strength began a meeting with Iran in Vienna, aimed at reviving the agreement to curb a nuclear program after former US President Donald Trump was withdrawn in 2015.
Ahead of the UAE national security advisor met with the Iranian Ultramim President in Tehran.
, Rare trips by senior Emirati officials.
The Israeli Prime Minister will also meet with UAE’s cultural techniques and ministers during his visit, and he talks about “unlimited future opportunities” to develop trade.
“Israel, like the UAE, is a regional center for trading.
Our cooperation provides unprecedented economic opportunities not only for us, but for more countries,” he said.
UAE last year became the third Arab country to build diplomatic relations full of Israel after Egypt and Jordan, and quickly followed by Bahrain and Morocco.
Sudan also agreed to normalize bonds with Israel under Abraham an agreement, but a full relationship has not been realized.
The agreement was negotiated by the predecessor of Bennett, Benjamin Netanyahu, who said it would offer the new Israeli regional allies against Iran and enhance its diplomatic efforts to stop Tehran to obtain nuclear weapons.
Iran claims only to develop civil nuclear abilities but Western forces say uranium inventory is enriched far beyond that, and can be used to develop atomic weapons.
On Sundays, the grouping of G7 from the richest countries in the world warned time to run out to update an agreement with Iran.
Vienna talks are “Iran’s last chance to come to the negotiating table with serious resolution”, said Secretary of Foreign Secretary Liz Truss, from the G7 Host Britain.

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