New York to have the first female police chief ever – News2IN
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New York to have the first female police chief ever

New York to have the first female police chief ever
Written by news2in

New York: New York will appoint Keechant Sewell as the first police chief to lead the largest strength in the country, US media reported Tuesday, when the city’s confidence in law enforcement was destroyed.
Sewell, who will also be the third black person in that position, must restore community trust in the police department who has faced charges to hide violence, racist, and corrupt officers in his staff.
Former police officers and democratic mayors elect Eric Adams, who will become the second Mayor of the two cities, announced the main promise of two weeks before working formally on January 1, 2022, with security of one of the main problems during the campaign.
“Keechant Sewell is a proven crime fighters with the experience and emotional intelligence to provide the safety of the needs of the New Yorkers and justice they deserve,” Adams told the New York Post.
Legal about 36,000 police officers in the largest city in the United States, Sewell, 49, will bear heavy duty to maintain security in New York when Coronavirus Pandemi has been accompanied by a surge in crime.
“We welcome Sewell’s head to the toughest second police work in America.
The most difficult, of course, is becoming a NYPD police on the road,” said Patrick Lynch, head of the main police union in the city, a kind association.
Sewell is currently the Head of Investigator in Nassau Regency, East New York City.
“We really focus on violent crime,” he told the post.
“Violent crime is number one priority.”

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