Kerala: Success to challenge orders before the division bench – News2IN
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Kerala: Success to challenge orders before the division bench

Kerala: Success to challenge orders before the division bench
Written by news2in

Thiruvananthapuram: Given the Kerala High Court rejected the petition that challenged Gopinath Ravindran’s election as the Chancellor of the University of Kannur for the second period of time in a row, the Save University (SID) campaign committee who approached the court would challenge a bench booked on the division bench.
“Because the court has refused to receive a quo warranty petition in the file, an appeal will be submitted in the Bench Division immediately after a copy of the single bench order was accepted,” said Chairman of the Sasikumar Committee here on Wednesday.
The single bench of the High Court has rejected the petition that challenged Ravindran’s appointment, which has crossed the age limit of 60 years to appoint post.
It also challenges the search committee dissolution.
Intervention Minister of Higher Education R Bindu was also taken to court notice, said the carrier of the campaign committee office.
“Appointment of the removal of the Kannur University of Chancing Kannur is the first example of the state.
If a priority, Chancellor will be considered vulnerable to all types of pressure to get the second term by winning government trust,” they said.
The preliminary argument about the petition was heard in court long before the Chancellor’s letter to the Minister of Chief, and the letters written by R Bindu to Chancellor have emerged in the public domain.
“The Committee is fully convinced that violations of the rules will be considered by the Court of Appeal,” said the SUCC office carrier.

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