Johnson UK Put Riding the New Covid-19 sidewalk before Christmas – News2IN
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Johnson UK Put Riding the New Covid-19 sidewalk before Christmas

Johnson UK Put Riding the New Covid-19 sidewalk before Christmas
Written by news2in

LONDON: British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Tuesday that he would not introduce Covid-19’s new restrictions in England before Christmas, but the situation was very difficult and the government might need to act afterwards.
“We don’t think today that there is enough evidence to justify louder steps before Christmas,” he said in a video posted on social media.
“We cannot rule out further steps after Christmas,” he added.
“We continue to monitor Omicron very closely and if the situation worsens, we will be ready to take action if needed.” Johnson said that while people could continue their Christmas plans, he urged them to be careful and followed suggestions such as keeping the window open and take the test before visiting the elderly or vulnerable relatives.

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