Letter school students, foreign refugees among 18 new cases – News2IN
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Letter school students, foreign refugees among 18 new cases

Written by news2in

Letter: On Friday 18 new Covid-19 cases reported from the city of the letter.
Among those who tested positively four school students, a school teacher and two individuals who had returned from England and Canada.
Of the 18 cases, 10 reported from the South-West zone, one of the city’s luxury areas.
Two students and one fountainhead school teacher were tested positive on Friday.
The two 14-year-old children were class IX students.
Two students, a boy and girl, are residents of the City Vesu region.
The teacher, also the resident of the Vesu area, is a 46-year-old woman.
A total of 123 students and 24 members of the school staff were tested by the Municipal Corporation (SMC) health team.
No one else was tested positively.
The school has been ordered to remain closed for seven days.
Two class X students, both of them were 15 years old, from PP Savani School were also tested positive on Friday.
The students are residents of the K Road and Hira Bauug area in Varachha.
Test 348 students and 32 staff members were carried out and there were no further positive cases found.
The class of students was ordered to remain closed for seven days.
Three positive cases were reported from the Happy Movorious Society where two came from the same family.
Previously, two cases were found from the public after that SMC claimed it was a cluster zone.
The 67 community residents were fully vaccinated.
A 21-year-old student from England, who returned to India on December 21, was also positive.
Samples of students, residents of Parle Point Area, have been sent for genome sequencing.
Students have been tested negatively in the test carried out at Ahmedabad airport.
But he suffered fever and cough on Thursday after that he was tested and found positive.
He was isolated in a private hospital.
He took two doses of the Pfizer vaccine and recently took a booster dose too.
A 51-year-old man from Vesu, who recently returned from Canada, was also tested positive.
The sample has been sent for genome sequencing.
He landed at Delhi airport on December 14 and went to Kolkata.
Then, he went to Mumbai and then arrived in the city on December 21.
He experienced headaches and weaknesses on Thursday after that he was stored in house isolation.
He has also taken two doses of the Pfizer vaccine.

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