Pakistan approved the National Security Policy ‘Citizen-Centric’ – News2IN
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Pakistan approved the National Security Policy ‘Citizen-Centric’

Pakistan approved the National Security Policy 'Citizen-Centric'
Written by news2in

Islamabad: The security panel for Pakistan on Monday approved his national security policy for 2022-26, placing “economic security at the core” of his first document to ensure the “security approach of citizens”.
This policy was presented and approved at the 36th meeting of the National Security Committee (NSC), chaired by Prime Minister Imran Khan and was attended by chairman head of the staff committee and all services.
The National Security Advisor (NSA) Moeed Yusuf, presenting documents, Pakistan said shifted to a comprehensive national security framework – the final goal became the safety, security and dignity of residents.
This is the first time the national security policy has been approved in Pakistan.
“To ensure the approach of this citizen for security, NSP places economic security at the core.
The stronger economy will create additional resources which in turn will be wisely distributed to improve military and human security,” according to a statement by Prime Statement.
Minister of minister.
Federal minister for foreign affairs, defense, information, interior, financial and human rights and senior senior officers and other senior military is also present at Meet NSC.
NSP has been created through the efforts of the entire government to end in the past seven years, and includes a broad consultation among federal government institutions, with all provinces, and with academics and the private sector, said NSA Yusuf at the meeting.
Highlighted that detailed implementation framework has been made in which the National Security Division.
Will review progress in collaboration with the relevant ministries and departments.
NSC members, as approved the NSP, appreciates the national security division and all other government departments for this effort.
Prime Minister Khan, on that occasion, stressed that Pakistani security rested in the safety of its citizens, troubling the belief that Pakistan was well prepared to fulfill internal and external threats.
Making the formulation of NSP and approved a historic moment, the prime minister noted that the policy must guide all government organs to ensure that their efforts were synchronized with the overall direction of NSP.
He instructed the National Security Advisor to present reports on the progress of implementation to NSC every month.
NSP will now be served to the cabinet before officially adopted.
The public version of the document will be released in time.
Revitalizing the Planning and Expansion Committee of the NSC Advisory Board also unanimously approved by the participants during the meeting, according to the statement.

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