Pakistan launched his first national security policy – News2IN
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Pakistan launched his first national security policy

Pakistan launched his first national security policy
Written by news2in

Islamabad: PM Cabinet Imran Khan approved on Tuesday, the security plan described by the government as the first national security policy of Pakistan (NSP) aims to guide the economic economic and economic policy of the country.
“This is a truly historic achievement; a comprehensive national security policy of citizens with economic security at the core will now be chased seriously,” said Moeed Yusuf, Pakistani National Security Advisor (NSA) said in a series of tweets.
This policy was approved the previous day at the National Security Committee (NSC) meeting, the government’s main consultative and decision-making agency to coordinate problems related to national security.
The five-year policy document which includes 2022-26 is being exhibited by the government as the first strategy paper of its type that establishes the National Security Vision and Guidelines for the achievement of these objectives.
However, the policy has not been divided publicly.
General Babar Iftikhar Utama, a spokesman for the Army, said the policy was an important milestone in strengthening Pakistani national security.
“The Pakistani armed forces will play their role in achieving vision arranged in policy,” he said.
This policy is reported to include traditional and non-traditional security challenges, including economies, food, water, military security, terrorism, population growth and dealing with the foreign world, especially great strength.
This document emphasizes special emphasis on economic diplomacy because of the focus of Pakistan’s foreign policy that aims to avoid being sucked into a political block in the world order in the transition.
This has been prepared by the National Security Division.
More than 600 academics, analysts, members of civil society and students throughout Pakistan have been consulted to make an inclusive policy process.

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