Colin Wilson’s interview – News2IN
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Colin Wilson’s interview

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European-Russian joint mission to Mars, ExoMars, launched in 2016, made history with the invention of the water for the first time near the equatorial region of the Red Planet, Valles Marineris and recently announced.
The breakthrough achieved by the trail eksomar spacecraft (TGO) gas.
Colin Wilson, TGO project scientist spoke to Srinivas Laxman.
Are Russia and the European Space Agency (ESA) conducted an investigation more to this discovery? Instruments led by Russia which made this discovery continues to map out the rest of the planet (Mars) and has seen signs of other locations near the equator that looks showcased an abundance of high hydrogen (an indication of ice water) – each of these areas will be studied carefully to understand its history.
Furthermore, Russia and ESA collaborate to send to Mars Rover launch in 2022.
It will be equipped with a drill capable of drilling up to two meters below the surface.
Although it will not land in the Valles Marineris, the investigation will advance our understanding of subsurface processes in general.
The discovery of water in the equatorial region of Mars is a major breakthrough.
What is next? ESA’s space shuttle fleet will continue to look for water in all its forms on Mars: The surface of the ice, in ice buried, in the water vapor; It included two orbits of Mars right now, as well as the launch of Lander Rover and Stationary next year (in collaboration with Russia).
Later this decade, the mission of the International Ice Mapper Mars will be launched, the main scientific goal is to map the underground ice near.
Also, ESA and NASA worked together with Mars sample return mission, which will bring back rock samples from the surface of Mars; It will provide more insight into the history of Mars and habits.
Is this the finding that at a time of Valles Marineris region of Mars may be inhabited? We know that, at some point in the past, Mars must have been warmer and wetter than today.
However, it remains unclear how warm this condition, or how long they lasted.
Regarding the new findings, we do not know whether the Valles Marineris near the surface of water gathered a lot of this in an age of abundant liquid water, or whether some glacial or other processes behind it.
So there is a lot left to research before we can reach a conclusion about hatred.
While water is known to exist in the cold polar regions of Mars, this is the first time found hidden close to the equator.
How did this happen and significance? The discovery was made using neutron mapper on the orbiter.
This type of instrument has been taken at the Mars Orbiter before, but the new instrument has a spatial resolution much higher which allows her to choose a small area where the unusual abundance of hydrogen can be found.
These instruments do not directly detect water, but they detect a hydrogen atom.
What do we know about the chemistry of Mars shows that most of the hydrogen to be found in the ice water.
When was the invention was made and why it was announced today.
The scientists behind this invention was to collect data continuously since the beginning of TGO science observations in mid 2018.
In 2020 they collected enough data to begin analyzing their findings to a particular region of the planet.
Then they carefully prepare a paper for publication, following scientific peer review.
The paper was recently published, which is being announced now! What is the immediate reaction of the team when the discovery was made? They are happy, after working for many years.
On a lighter note – to whom this water belongs to Russia or Europe! It belongs to Mars, not to the earth anything!

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