Almost a month, no end seen to HEC Impasse – News2IN
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Almost a month, no end seen to HEC Impasse

Written by news2in

Ranchi: Without the end seen in the strike workers, corporations of severe weight six decades (HEC) (HEC), Ranchi, will step into the new year with all the plants close and the production schedule and delivery in total chaos.
Nnearly 3,000 workers in HEC have been on voluntary tools dropped strike since December 2 to demand payment of wages that have gone have not been paid since July 2021.till, five rounds of talks with workers – twice with labor officials, once with HEC cmd and twice with director of HEC, two official appeals With HEC and even a threat without a job-no-pay has failed to break the ice.
While workers still insist that they will return to work only after all their wages are removed in one Go, HEC says that near empty cash, it does not have the means to receive request assistance will not come from the Ministry of Heavy Union.
The urgent meeting between Mahendra Nath Pandey and HEC Mahenda ministers on 16 and December 17 did not produce results after the first refused to come out with a resurrection package for the sick corporation.
After 30 days of uncertainty, the only silver layer slowly.
Seen is that workers and union leaders are now striking conciliation tones.
Against their original requests for advances from all unpaid wages in one Go, workers have now modified their attitude to demand wage payments in three installments – a two-month wage to be followed by wages returned two more months in January 2022 balance in February 2022.
In its part, HEC cleaned the 15-day wage for June 2021 on December 13 and followed up by paying a 50 percent balance on December 24.
Though workers have personal efforts personally, they continue to abstain from work, showing that they have not received concrete guarantees from the Ministry of Heavy Union or HEC management.
“This strike has been initiated by workers after being forced to hungry for six months.
There is no union involved and there is no notification of strikes presented in management as well, as required by law.
Now strikes are 30 days old, will be a good interest in management HEC and workers to work towards finding a peaceful solution, “said Bhawan Singh, the President said, said the Hata Mazdoor Union.

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