The active case touches a 3-digit sign in Ranchi, Covid cells now function – News2IN
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The active case touches a 3-digit sign in Ranchi, Covid cells now function

The active case touches a 3-digit sign in Ranchi, Covid cells now function
Written by news2in

Ranchi: Ranchi District Administration held a Covid task force meeting on Thursday after the case of increasing rapidly in this district.
During the meeting, DC Chhavi Ranjan directed health authorities to ensure the availability of 10,000 covid-19 drug kits earliest.
The meeting was attended by nodal officers from all cells, including testing, contact contacts and insulation settings and beds.
In particular, this district now has 337 active cases, where 118 is reported on Wednesday.
Speaking with TOI after the meeting, said Ranjan, “because we have seen a three-digit increase, we have decided to start making all cells involved in the functional management of Covid-19.” Among the activities that will be taken by the task force increases the number of tests per day, the deployment of the adequate team for tracking contacts and a dedicated team to ensure that the Covid ward functions at the Bundu Subdivisional Hospital, Ranchi District Hospital and Risaldar Urban District Health Center Baba.
Ranjan said, “I have directed the district civil surgeon to ensure that the three selected facilities are carried out immediately and arrangements for the bed, sanitiser and other consumables needed along with the earliest drugs.” Civil Surgeon Dr.
Vinod Kumar added, “At present, our focus is to ensure the availability of drugs, beds and doctors, who will take care of patients.
DC directs me to use all doctors for Covid tasks in turn and if any of them refuses , the action will be taken under the disaster management law.
“District Health Department officials said the current level of participation from Ranchi Regency reached 3.63% on Wednesday and the administration was considering releasing fresh norms on house isolation for covid patients.
“We are waiting for instructions from the government and once we get it, all commanders of the incident will be marked with experts who will examine patients and decide to isolate them in their homes.
Patient cases requesting home isolation will be studied and approval will be given if the doctor decides thus.

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