Fauci warned the danger of a surge in hospitalization because of a large number of Covid cases – News2IN
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Fauci warned the danger of a surge in hospitalization because of a large number of Covid cases

Fauci warned the danger of a surge in hospitalization because of a large number of Covid cases
Written by news2in

US infectious disease experts Anthony Fauci said there was still a danger of surge in hospitalization because of a large number of Koronavirus cases even when the initial data showed the Omicron Covid-19 variant was less severe.
“The only difficulty is that if you have so many cases, even if the level of hospitalization is lower with omicron than with Delta, there is still a danger that you will have a surge in inpatient who might emphasize the health care system,” Fauci said in an interview On Sunday with CNN.
Omicron variants are estimated at 58.6% of Coronavirus variants circulating in the United States on December 25, according to data from the US center for controlling and prevention of disease (CDC).
Sudden arrival Omicron has brought the number of record settings to countries around the world and reduced new year celebrations throughout the world.
“There will definitely be more cases because this is a virus that is far more translucent than Delta,” Fauci.
said in CNN.
However, “seen, in fact, that (Omicron) may be less severe, at least from the data we have collected from South Africa, from England and even some of the initial data from here in the United States,” Fauci said.
Fauci added that the CDC will soon come out with clarification whether people with Covid-19 must test the negative to leave isolation, after confusion last week for guidance that will make people go after five days without symptoms.
CDC has reduced the suggested isolation period for people with asymptomatic covid for up to five days, down from 10.
The policy does not require testing to confirm that someone is no longer infectious before they return to work or socialize, cause some experts increase inquiries.
“You are right.
There are some concerns about why we don’t ask people in a five-day period to be tested.
That is something that is now considered”, Fauci told ABC News in a separate interview on Sunday.
“I think we will hear more about it the next day or more than CDC.” The US authorities registered at least 346,869 new Coronavirus on Saturday, according to Reuters calculations.
The US death toll from Covid-19 rose at least 377 to 828,562.

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