DC Brings COV Facility Stock in Chatra Amid Surge Case – News2IN
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DC Brings COV Facility Stock in Chatra Amid Surge Case

Written by news2in

Chatra: With Covid cases increase in the district, all settings have been made in Chatra Polytechnic College and Aware of Hospital to deal with difficult situations in the coming days.
Even Deputy Commissioner Anjali Yadav, who visited the two centers, passed several instructions for improving facilities in addition to directing health officials to run trials from the newly built oxygen factory.
Sources said at conscious hospitals, settings, 36 ventilators and 51, were made for 91 patients.
Even the doctor’s team has been given special training to operate a ventilator.
At Polytechic College, Covid Care Ward has resumed with 300 beds.
The patient will be stored here until they recover but if the condition deteriorates, he will shift to a conscious hospital.
During the second wave, 53 patients died.
Now, aware of the hospital received a 1,000-liter oxygen plant under PM maintenance funds.
Shyam’s civilian surgeon Nandan Singh has urged everything to wear a mask to stay safe from viruses.

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