US President Joe Biden aims to reduce cancer death by 50% over the next 25 years – News2IN
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US President Joe Biden aims to reduce cancer death by 50% over the next 25 years

US President Joe Biden aims to reduce cancer death by 50% over the next 25 years
Written by news2in

WASHINGTON: US President Joe Biden is committed to reducing the cancer death rate of 50% – new objectives for the initiative of “Moonshot” against the disease announced in 2016 when he is the vice president.
Biden has set a 25-year line to achieve that goal, part of a wider effort to end the cancer as we know, according to senior administrative officials who preview Wednesday announcements in anonymity conditions.
This problem is very personal for Biden: He lost older son, Beau, to brain cancer in 2015.
The pain experienced by the President was distributed by many Americans.
The American Cancer Society estimates that there will be 1,918,030 new cancer cases and 609,360 cancer death this year.
Biden what you want to do basically save more than 300,000 lives every year of this disease, something believed to be administratively made possible because the level of mortality that is adjusted to age has dropped by around 25% over the past two decades.
Current cancer death rate 146 per 100,000 people, down from almost 200 2000.
Barron Lerner, a Professor of Medical and Population Health in New York University Langone Health, said that “hyperbolic purposes” can attract public attention to attract public attention.
But achieving a 50% reduction is “very impossible.” “A similar past effort like war in cancer ‘has made an increase, but they are simpler,” Lerner said, the writer “breast cancer war.” “Cancer is a lot of disease and requires very complicated research.
Translating this progress to clinical settings is also never easy.” Biden is scheduled to comment on Wednesday from the eastern room of the White House, along with his wife, Jill, and Vice President Kamala Harris.
Also scheduled for attending speeches: Congress and administrative members and around 100 members of the cancer community and around 100 cancer members including patients, congratulations, caregivers, families, advocacy groups and research organizations.
As part of efforts, Biden will assemble “Cancer Cabinet” which includes 18 federal departments, institutions and offices, including leaders from the Ministry of Health and Human Services, veteran, defense, energy and agriculture.
There were no plans to announce new funding commitments on Wednesday, even though the administration would describe why he believed to curb cancer through efforts such as increased screening and eliminating injustice in treatment.
Pandemic Coronavirus has consumed health care resources and causes people to lose more than 9.5 million cancer playback.
The White House will also host MIT on cancer initiatives and continue the roundtable discussion series about this issue.
The aim is to improve the quality of the care and life of the community, something with deep economic resonance too.
The National Cancer Institute reported in October that the burden of economic treatment was more than $ 21 billion in 2019, including $ 16.22 billion at the patient’s out-of-pocket costs.
President Barack Obama announced a cancer program during the last year in the office and received $ 1.8 billion for seven years to fund research.
Obama pointed at Biden, then his vice president, as a “mission control,” recognition of Biden’s sadness as a parent and the desire to do something about it.
Biden wrote in his memoir, “Limited me, father” he chose to become president in 2016 mainly due to Beau’s death.
When Biden announced that he was not seeking a democratic nomination in 2016, he said he was sorry not to be president because “I want to be the president who ends cancer, because it’s possible.” The effort was a bit far from the public focus when Donald Trump became president, even though Trump, a republican, proposed $ 500 million more than 10 years for pediatric cancer research in the United States 2019.
Biden continued his work as a private citizen by building Biden initiatives Cancer to help regulate resources to improve cancer treatment.
When Biden did seek the presidency in 2020, he had tears in his eyes when he said in an interview about “Morning Joe” MSNBC “Beau had to run for the president, not me.”

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