How Delhi police foiled Kabul airport bomber in 2017 – News2IN
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How Delhi police foiled Kabul airport bomber in 2017

How Delhi police foiled Kabul airport bomber in 2017
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Islamic State of Khorasan Province (ISUKP) has released the first edition of its magazine, Khorasan’s voice, with a story on 2021 Kabul Bomber Airport, Abdurrehman Al Logari, and Operation Istashadi who failed (Suicide Mission) in Delhi in 2017.
Logari, the word iskp , Arrested only a week before the execution of his deadly task in the city.
ISUKP proceeds Logari by tracking his childhood in Pakistan, his ability to speak five languages ​​and his desires for Journalism as adolescents, and also detail how he escaped from Bagram prison in Afghanistan where he was imprisoned and 11 days later detonated a suicide vest at the entrance to the airport During the evacuation after the takeover of the Taliban Kabul.
Last September, India magazine, Sawt-al-Hind, has confirmed that the Afghan airport bomber has been arrested in Delhi.
Now, ISUP magazine has published a clear photo of Logari and revealed how special cells Delhi police picked him up from college and then moved it to the CIA in Kabul.
He was interrogated for weeks in Bagram Airbase, with the information provided by him which led to the murder of more than 400 ISIS terrorists in the Hindukush mountains and elsewhere in the drone strike.
Logari, said Funnel Iskp, was born from a rich family in the province of Afghanistan Logar in 1996.
“After his studies in Pakistan, Logari moved back to Afghanistan in 2016 where he met the operative of the Islamic State at the time Wilaya Khorasan was just formed.
He underwent Training as a mujahid and also became active in social media where he spread jihad messages to some users around the world, “said the article.
During the training, he specializes in explosives and is immediately involved in the front line against US forces.
He “developed interest” in suicide operations and was chosen for surgery.
Waiting for his turn, he helped fellow bombers in recording their “wills” and asked them to be sent to their family.
“In 2017, he was given a mission to go to India for Istashadi’s mission approved by the ISUP.
He went to Delhi and got a ticket to enter private universities on the outskirts of Delhi as a closing,” the sound of Khorasan States.
“He was arrested a week before carrying out his mission when one of his colleagues was arrested by Indian intelligence services.” The story said that Logari was interrogated in India before he was handed over to the Afghan government.
After deportation to Afghanistan, he was investigated by the CIA before he was sentenced to five years in prison and moved to Pur-e-Chalkhi prison in Kabul.
“Has come from a rich family, he faced extreme pressure from his family to give up jihad and was offered freedom, money, and partner choices in return.
However, he remained firm.
Finally, his family decided all the bonds with him and seized him from financial assistance,” said the magazine that.
“During the fourth year, he suffered tuberculosis and was transferred to the Bagram prison with the CIA request Mujahideen and their families while the great evacuation process is taking place.
After escaping from prison, Logari chose to return home and asked to be sent on a suicide mission.
On August 26, he avoided Taliban posts on the road to Kabul Airport and entered the queue at the entrance.
He detonated a suicide vest when a security person approached him to check, killing 183 people, including 13 US military personnel.

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