‘Cong will fight for the Rights of Maha Transfolk’ – News2IN
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‘Cong will fight for the Rights of Maha Transfolk’

Written by news2in

Yavatmal: Congress Wing Wat will struggle to ensure the constitutional rights of transgender people in Maharashtra, said State President Sandhya SawalahaHe at a press conference on Sundays at the government’s break home.
Salawalakhe said there were more than one lakh transgender people in the state and they were deprived of the scheme sponsored by the government.
They do not have an identity card or a ration card.
“We will prioritize making these documents made for transgender people,” he said, adding that there would be legal cells under the leadership of Pavan Yadav, a trans.
The woman from the Sindhi community continued to be alone from politics, said the state of the Congress Women’s Wing State, added that the party tried to take her to the main political currents.
“We have reached every corner and angle to help people in trouble.
Women from each community will be given adequate representation in the next politics,” he said.
Salawalakhe added that women in Uttar Pradesh (above) will be given a representation of 40% and the same decision will be taken in the state.
He expressed confidence in changes in the government above after the election.
From Monday and so on, Sawalahhe said, a group of women will be trained to find entrepreneurs for their respective groups.
District legal cells will also be formed to provide direct advice to women in trouble.
“During a pandemic, many women face cruelty.
The cell will help alleviate such a problem,” he added.
With many women struggling with the unavailability of the bathroom in public, women’s wings have made a request to run the bathroom on the building, operate, and transfer throughout the state.
Other people who attended a press conference including former President Zilla Parishad Madhuri Ade, Want Wanamala Rathod District President, Tarabai Gawarle, Jawed Ansari Board member, Swati Yende, Vaishali Sawai and others.

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