Covid negative reports may not be needed for operation – News2IN
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Covid negative reports may not be needed for operation

Covid negative reports may not be needed for operation
Written by news2in

Bengaluru: Norms are currently looking for negative reports Covid RT-PCR from patients who need surgery and hospitalization can be stopped in Karnataka when experts feel unnecessary for it.
This practice is no longer followed in major medical centers such as all Institutes of Indian Medical Sciences, Delhi and Institute of Education and Postgraduate Medical Research (Pirimer), Chandigarh respectively since 9 and 10 February.
The State Technical Advisory Committee Covid-19 (TAC) will discuss this issue with its members at meetings that will be held on Monday.
Advisors issued by the Indian Medical Research Council on January 10 have emphasized purposive testing.
In accordance with ICMR, in hospital settings, “Asymptomatic patients underwent a surgical and non-surgical invasive procedure, including pregnant women in or near the workforce hospitalized for delivery, should not be tested unless they are justified or symptoms.” Emphasizing non-covid care, the council said there was no emergency procedure that must be postponed due to lack of tests.
TAC Chairman Dr.
MK Sudarshan said the ICMR advisor was clear about this problem.
“Doctors and surgeons who care must obey the behavior that matches Covid and should take three vaccine doses,” he said.
‘Emergency case hit’ “Because of the emergence of pandemics in March, 2020, non-Covid patients mostly suffered due to the lack of facilities and services.
The worst hit is those who need emergency services.
The state government has issued a direction that all hospitals, then, Will be present and provide Covid and non-Covid services.
Bring a step further, initiative by two main hospitals, AIIMS and PGimers, must be seen as a way forward, “said Dr.
“This is an important discussion that needs to be remembered by some cancer patients and emergency cases that require surgery, which are currently waiting for Covid reports.
In some government hospitals, acceptance is rejected for cancer patients and those who are chronic kidney failure if they change positive covid.
This should be Not a criterion again.
The state government must call earlier, “said another TAC member said.
An expert said the scenario during the beginning of the pandemic was different from almost no knowledge of Covid and complications that would be caused.
“This is not the same now.
We should not worry about Covid status from asymptomatic people who need non-covid care,” said the expert.

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