Covid: 31K Ex Gratia claims to death 3k in T’gana – News2IN
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Covid: 31K Ex Gratia claims to death 3k in T’gana

Covid: 31K Ex Gratia claims to death 3k in T'gana
Written by news2in

Hyderabad: The latest data from the center shows that the number of people who claimed Ex Gratia for Covid-19 death in Telangana almost 10 times the official count of people who died because of Covid-19.
While the State recorded PEG total deaths at 3,993 (until February 3), it turned out that 31,053 claims were submitted.
Of these, 22,873 claims have been received when payment is made for 16,962 claims, notes show.
The difference in the number of deaths and official claims received was the highest in Gujarat with Telangana who entered second place.
The first received 1.02 lakh claims against 10,089 registered deaths.
Other countries with higher claims including Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh.
In his edited AP, the count of claims was at 42,924 against 14,527 deaths.
About a month ago, the Telangana Government released a guideline for Payment of Ex Gratia after the Center announced 50,000 compensation for family members of Covid-19 victims saying that the main reason for the difference in the number of registered deaths and actual in differences in the definition of Covid-19 deaths stated by the guidelines ICMR and the Indian Supreme Court.
“The definition of the Supreme Court to order includes Covid death based on clinical diagnosis, in addition to the case of a laboratory confirmed.
Also every death in 30 days of diagnosis is calculated as covid death.
This is not in the ICMR protocol and, therefore, this difference,” said the source Incidentally, the countries relied on the ICMR guidelines for declaring this death where if a Covid patient died of a heart attack, it was not recorded as Covid’s death.
“The ICMR guidelines issued after the first wave have classified which deaths must be labeled as covid deaths and does not include death due to malignancy, accidents or other diseases even if the patient is positive.
SC guidelines, meanwhile, including even patients who suicide died of malignancy, Accidents etc.
This has caused differences, “said Dr.
G Srinivasa Rao, Director of Public Health, State of Telangana.

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