As Covid-19 Wards Fill Again, Spanish Doctors warn their young people vulnerable – News2IN

As Covid-19 Wards Fill Again, Spanish Doctors warn their young people vulnerable

As Covid-19 Wards Fill Again, Spanish Doctors warn their young people vulnerable
Written by news2in

Barcelona: A week ago, the Covid-19 hospital ward in Barcelona where Doctor Inmaculada Lopez Montesinos work only has some patients.
Now full and Hospital Del Mar has opened two extra floors for such patients as a surge in infection driven by the delta variant rips that are more contagious through unwanted Spanish populations.
Although mortality is much lower than the previous wave of pandemic, Lopez Montesinos said hospitals like theirs were under the growing pressure.
He connects a sudden leap in cases to lift restrictions in Spain over the past few months, the increase in tourism and summer vacation students.
“All of this has become a bursting cocktail that has brought us to this fifth wave which has surprised us in mid-July,” the 34-year-old told Reuters, begging for people to avoid crowds, maintaining a minimum social interaction of facial masks.
Facing the highest 14-day Spanish infection rate of 1,068 cases per 100,000 people, more than double the national average, regional authority in Catalonia, where Barcelona is, on Wednesday they will handle back hours at 158 ​​cities.
Lopez Montesinos said the distinctive patient he saw aged 40 or lower, did not have existing conditions before and was not vaccinated or not fully vaccinated.
Doctor is not the only one with warning words.
Wearing an oxygen mask, Cesar Lopez, a 35-year-old Barcelona businessman, said that before being treated at the hospital two weeks ago he felt very bad so he even thought of leaving a farewell note to his family.
“I want to tell you that this is something very serious.
I also think that it can be cold or flu but you have to assume this is really serious, will be vaccinated, think about other people,” he said.
“Unfortunately.” There will be many people who will not be able to tell this story.

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