Equatorial Guinea held the French military helicopter – News2IN

Equatorial Guinea held the French military helicopter

Equatorial Guinea held the French military helicopter
Written by news2in

Dakar: France said on Thursday one of the military helicopters carrying six soldiers had been detained after landing in Equatorial Guinea, in diplomatic incidents that showed tense bond between Malabo and Paris.
The helicopter landed in the mainland port of the Katulistiwa brick on Wednesday night, hours after the French court enhanced a guilty verdict in the case of embezzlement of Vice President Guinea, Teodoro Obiang Mira.
No party speaks in public about the relationship between the two incidents.
Mira, who is the son and heir of the vice president, Teodoro Obiang Nguhema Mbasogo, tweeted that “spent helicopter” has landed without authorization after violating the equatorial guineau air space.
“This shows once again French intentions to disrupt the Equatorial Republic Guinea,” he said.
French military spokesman Colonel Pascal Ianni said six soldiers on the helicopter were not armed.
It was traveling from Douala in Cameroon’s neighbor to the French military base in Libreville, Gabon and had stopped in the brick to refuel, he said, denying the intention to harm the Equatorial Guinea.
“The authorities in Guinea ekuatorial decided to hold the helicopter.
The problem is being resolved at a diplomatic level,” said Ianni.
Mira, whose father ruled Equatorial Guinea for 42 years, was found guilty in France in 2017 money laundering and embezzlement.
He was given a three-year-old punishment and a large penalty, and a number of properties were confiscated including Paris and luxury cars.
The Government of Equatorial Guinea and President’s son did not comment on the French verdict who decided to enforce confidence.
They argue that the case violates its rights for diplomatic immunity.

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