Achievement is greater than your age: PM for M’Luru girls – News2IN

Achievement is greater than your age: PM for M’Luru girls

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Mangaluru: PM Narendra Modi on Monday told a young dancer from Mangaluru that his achievements were far greater than he was and told him that art he was a way to express great state strength.
Prime Minister, during interaction with Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Purascar Recipient, Congratulations Remona Evette Pereira, 16, AI PU Students from Padua PU College, through Video Conferencing.
Demona, the only recipient of the country, has received an award for his extraordinary achievement in Arts and culture.
Prime Minister appreciates his efforts and determination to the art form.
Remona began to learn to dance at the age of three.
When Modi asked him how he was motivated, Remona told PM that his mother had become an inspiration and he introduced it to Indian culture and various aspects of dance.
“I want to spread the color and wealth of our culture throughout the world,” he said.

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