Active case, TPR dip in DK, but the surge of casaragod becomes concern – News2IN

Active case, TPR dip in DK, but the surge of casaragod becomes concern

Written by news2in

Mangaluru: Although the decrease in the active Covid-19 case and the level of peposititivity of the test has raised hope in people of Dakshina Kannada (DK), a surge in Kerala, especially in Kasaragod, is a reason to be a concern.
While the average daily case in DK was above 300 in the first week of August, in the last week, only 229 cases were recorded per day.
The active Kaseload in DK also decreased dramatically from 3,682 at 14 to 2,352 on Monday.
The average test level of test, which is 4% -5% in the first week of August, has decreased to under 2% in the last three days.
However, the district administration was being careful, because Kaseload was active in Kasaragod Regency more than doubled from DK.
For example, while DK reported 1,609 cases in the past week starting August 24, Kasaragod recorded 3,724 cases.
Kasaragod has almost 4,900 active cases, while DK has under 2,400 cases.
The state government has issued a new guideline on Monday, making the quarantine of the institutional seven days mandatory for students and employees from Kerala, after entering Kannada Dakshina with RT-PCR negative reports.
The command of the Karnataka government has literally placed thousands of daily commuters from Kasaragod, especially those who work in educational institutions, industries and in many other companies in Mangaluru and its surroundings, in trouble.
Sahayathri, a group of people from Kasaragod Regency who worked in DK, had demanded that they would be given a pass entry to travel every day.
“We have urged the DK government to issue trajectories based on RT-PCR test reports, once in 15 days, for all employees from Kasaragod, who visit DK every day to work,” A member of Sahayathri urged.
Deputy Commissioner K V Rajendra told TII that the district government had followed orders issued by the state government.
“This command has directions to all districts on the border of Kerala and Maharashtra, to increase supervision.
There will be strict supervision at the limit post.
It is difficult to manage daily commuters from Kerala in the current situation,” he said.
Daily Covid-19 Date Date Katasagod 24 August 273 519 Aug 25 269 613 Aug 27 248 594 Aug 28 207 521 August 29 202 55 August 30 193 359 Total 1,609 3,724 Source: Information Department Kasaragod DK

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