Afghanistan was trapped in the Bosnia camp who was shocked at the Taliban takeover – News2IN

Afghanistan was trapped in the Bosnia camp who was shocked at the Taliban takeover

Afghanistan was trapped in the Bosnia camp who was shocked at the Taliban takeover
Written by news2in

Bihac: Fawad Khan anxiously overthrow the news on his cellphone, observing chaos at Kabul airport as thousands of Afghans tried to escape from the Taliban-controlled country in the reduced days of Airlift.
Khan, 23, trapped by thousands of miles from home in the migrant camp in Bosnia, hoping to somehow reach Western Europe and then help his brother in Afghanistan to join him.
“The situation in Afghanistan is very bad,” Khan said Thursday in the Lipa camp, near the Western City of Bosnia Bihac.
“So everyone wants to go outside Afghanistan.
They want to live (a) a good future and life.” Thousands of migrants, including many Afghans, stranded in Bosnia and other Balkan countries when trying to reach European countries that are Rich to find a better future.
From Bosnia, they tried to cross the strictly guarded Croatian border before moving.
While many of the Afghan migrants left their homes for months, or even many years ago, Western withdrawal and Taliban takeovers The fast of Afghan has made them feel more vulnerable, and worry about those left behind.
The Taliban has promised to restore security and not take revenge on those who oppose them, or play the progress of human rights.
But Khan is very skeptical.
He said he left him Afghanistan two years ago because he could not find his work and his family had no money.
Constant violence and the threat of Taliban have made loud life even later: “If you work with Americans, there are Taliban, (they) not (let) we work with (America).” Now, even worse, he is even more Bad, him.
With a Taliban in power, simple things like going to a doctor or to the market have become harder.
“I want to go to Europe because I will help my brother to take him to Europe,” Khan said.
That’s not it will be easy.
Already, he has tried 10 times to secretly enter Croatia in the last four months and was forced to return by Croatian police, who repeatedly faced allegations of violence against migrants, who were rejected by Croatian officials beat him, took him shoes And push it to the river and return to Bosnia.
The authorities in Bosnia give him shoes and clothes and make it in a lipa camp tent where hundreds of other migrants have lived.
On Thursday, many migrants Larging outside the tent in the camp where medical workers check their tempeh rates and vaccinations against the new Coronavirus.
Khan likes to be done in the midst of a surge in Covid-19 infection in the Balkans.
But the actual worries are elsewhere: While he used to talk to his brother regularly at whatsapp encrypted message service, he hadn’t heard from him for two weeks.
And, said Khan, by returning to the impossible Afghanistan, closed boundaries blocked his own expectations to move, and finally help his brother.
“Croatian police (is) the big problem we have,” he said, “We want to go quickly because the situation is not good at Afghanistan, we want to go quickly, we (want) to help our family.
This is very difficult for us.

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