Afoot’s plan to remove Weed Invasive taking over BRT Reserve – News2IN

Afoot’s plan to remove Weed Invasive taking over BRT Reserve

Written by news2in

S weeds gradually.
Three NGOs include one Kerala-based agency has improved interests and has advanced to remove weeds to protect the forests of the ten worst invasive species in the world, now occupy 40% of Tiger’s habitat reserves, officials stated.
This factory competes with genuine plants for space and resources, and also changes the nutritional cycle on the ground.
The invasion has produced the scarcity of genuine forage plants for wild herbivores.
In some cases, extensive feeding in Lantana has caused diarrhea, liver failure, and even fatality.
Excessive growth of these weeds will also produce forest fires during the summer, he added.
Speaking to Toi, the Director of the Reserve Project, Tiger and Deputy Forest Conservator Dr.
G Santhoshkumar, said his department had taken the elimination of Lantana weeds through experimental non-governmental organizations.
“However, the Department of Forest has not completed this.
Weed elimination projects through NGOs because they are looking for opinions from environmental scientists,” he said.
“Manual deletion Lantana by hiring workers under the Mnrega scheme, which also provides jobs for local tribes, better Instead of providing these projects to NGOs as.
Many of them are profit-oriented.
Manual deletion is lastic safer for wild animals instead of using technology and machinery in the forest, “said Punjanur Doreswamy, Chamarajanagar wildlife activist.

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