Dibrugarh: Dibrugarh University Authority on Thursday said that despite taking all the precautions and following the standard operating procedure (SOP) from the Government of Assam, a student from the East African comor was tested positive for Covid-19.
Two other roommates from students were also tested positive.
The sample of the Komoros students was detected to be an Omicron variant during testing at ICMR-RMRC, Dibrugarh, and has been sent to the North Genom sequencing to the Institute of Science and Technology CSIR-North East in Jorhat.
Allegedly that the virus may have spread from commollo students who have arrived in India to receive MCOM entrance tickets at the Dibrugarh University.
The university said students had arrived at the airport in December 17, after that he tested the negative for Covid during a compulsory RT-PCR test.
The Government Assam SOP said foreign leaflets tested negatively had to undergo a quarantine of a house of seven days.