After centuries, Belgian nuns join the monks in beer production – News2IN

After centuries, Belgian nuns join the monks in beer production

After centuries, Belgian nuns join the monks in beer production
Written by news2in

Maredret Monastery: Belgium, when the monastery of the Maredret Monastery in Belgium struggled to erode funds for poor renovation work, they turned to a job that for hundreds of years was the preservation of monks: beer beer.
The strong Benedictine 20 community, founded in 1893, decided around five years ago it was time to work with a beer maker with the aim of producing beer infused with some history and their values ​​while helping repair the leaky roof and cracked walls.
After nearly three years of collaboration with the Brewer and Importers of John Martin, Maredret Altus, Beer Amber 6.8% using cloves and Juniper Berries, and Maredrat triplus, 8% blonde that combines coriander and wise, goes on sale in the summer.
“It’s good for someone’s health.
It helps digestion.
All sisters like beer, we are in Belgium,” said Sister Gertrude, adding the nun to let one bottle on Sunday.
The beer is based on spelling, the granules mentioned in the texts by Saint Hildegard, an Abbess Benedictine Germany of the 11th century who inspired the behavior of Belgium, along with plants commonly planted in the Nun Park.
Edward Martin, Head of Distiller and Grand-Grand Cucu Founder Brewer, said the current production of 300,000 bottles per year, which will rise to around 3 million in a few years.
Outside of Belgium, it has been sold in Italy and Spain.
Abbey Beer, which involves a brewer who pays royalties in return using the name of the monastery, common in Belgium, but until now they are only housing monks in Abbeys.
The monastery of the Maredret is just a kilometer of the male male Moredsous monastery, the beer, made by Duvel, is widely available.
Sister Gertrude emphasized them did not see each other as a rival.
“They realize, tell and they give us a green light.
This is not a competition, more complementary,” he said.
($ 1 = 0.8843 euro)

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