Agricultural Army for Battle Problems in Coconut Cultivation – News2IN
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Agricultural Army for Battle Problems in Coconut Cultivation

Written by news2in

ThiruvananThapuram: As a solution for farmers’ problems regarding coconut cultivation, Kazhakootam Krishi Bhavan officials have decided to launch an agricultural army.
Agricultural soldiers will include physically and women who are physically able to climb coconut trees.
For this, interested workers will be given training to improve coconut agriculture.
Farmers can contact agricultural soldiers for all activities regarding coconut agriculture in the neighborhood, including Kazhakootam, Chanthavila and Kattaikonam.
Services, including humane, weeds and prevention of pests, and new puppies will be available.
Workers will be paid by a total of Rs 100 per tree.
The budget for this scheme is Rs 50 Lakh.
“I have seen a large number of people complaining about coconut trees.
All I can do is prescribe the drug for it.
But to apply drugs to the affected part, they must climb trees.
But almost all farmers cannot climb trees.
So, We have decided to help them by providing workers for coconut farming.
So that coconut cultivation is developing, we must start from below.
That is why training is provided at the environmental level.
In addition to recovering old coconut trees, new coconut seeds will also be planted, “said Deepa S , Kazhakootam Agriculture Krishi Bhavan.
Beetles Badak Parasitization in the coconut tree tender section produces rotten Bud and trees will be destroyed.
Living beetles in stagnant cow dung.
The Ministry of Agriculture also comes with a solution to resolve this problem by introducing trichoderma fungal cultivation in cow dung.
Trichoderma is a mushroom with an antagonistic effect.
It has kem The ability to fight against other fungus.
Thus, this will also prevent trees from decaying BD.
Livestock farmers are being trained to make trichoderma from stagnant cow dung.
It also gives them the opportunity to earn income and can also avoid the hassle caused by stagnant cow dung.
The dirt was made to be paid a total of Rs 15 per kilogram.

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