Aipwa opposes moving to raise the age of marriage for women – News2IN
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Aipwa opposes moving to raise the age of marriage for women

Aipwa opposes moving to raise the age of marriage for women
Written by news2in

Patna: The Association of Indian Progressive Women (Aipwa) on Saturday opposed the central step to increase the age of women’s wedding to 21.
Also asked the government to withdraw its proposition in this matter, saying, “When an 18-year-old child can choose the government and decide the country’s future That, why deny them the right to choose their life partner? “In a joint statement issued on Saturday, National President of Aipwa Rati Rao, National Secretary General of Meena Tiwari and National Secretary Kavita Krishnan,” Union cabinet proposal to increase the age of the law of marriage for The 21st woman is not pulled and must be withdrawn …
the age of marriage for all adults must be 18 years old.
If we consider an 18-year-old adult who can choose the government and decide on the country’s future, we must accept that they are old enough for decide on their own future.
“” Initial pregnancy had a bad impact on the pad a young woman’s health and children; They also disrupt women’s education.
They were forced by parents to early marriages against their will.
But the answer to chronic anemia, malnutrition, and disrupted education women do not lie in the marriage of the criminalization of those under 21 years old, “they argue.
AIPWA members asked the government to provide assistance and support for young women who were forced by parents in Marriage to their will.
“It must invest in a social campaign that supports women’s rights to control their own lives and make their decisions.
All adults over the age of 18, regardless of gender, must have the right to decide whether, when, and who will get married, “they said.
Rao, Tiwari and Krishnan further stated,” In India, ‘Khap Panchayats’, The community council, and the sangh horde is known to attack the inter-caste and inter-pair of young faith.
In such cases, adult women are often misused children underage and imprisoned at home where they can secure freedom only when they agree to leave their inter-caste or inter-faith relationships and agree to return to their parents’ homes .
Now people and coercive clothes like that will have a legal that selectively denies adult women in terms of marriage.
The Union Cabinet proposal will not empower women, it will only empower the power that causes violence against women’s autonomy.
“Aipwa asks the center to withdraw its proposal and” change the existing law to respect the right of all individuals over the age of 18 to enjoy full autonomy in all areas of their lives, including decisions about who should be loved or married.

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