Alarming census record in the number of birds – News2IN
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Alarming census record in the number of birds

Written by news2in

Thiruvananthapuram: The census has revealed that there is a clear decrease in the amount and species of water birds observed in the district when compared to previous years.
Census carried out together by WWF India and social forestry wings from the Department of Forest Kerala & Wildlife in 11 wetlands in the district marked 60% of the number of birds when compared to the 2021 census report.
11 Team counted a total of 3,077 birds belonging to 56 species.
Last year, the count was 4,372 of 74 species.
Birders raises concerns on the quality of habitat for almost all wetlands.
Except for pazhanchira wetlands near Attingal, 10 other wetlands faces many threats and severe because of anthropogenic activities for the application of chemicals, noise from crackers used by farmers and the nearest temple and recently increased disturbances from photos and videographers come for weddings and shootings Others, Birders noted.
The team only calculates 1,078 birds from this location this year, compared to 1,213 birds from 45 species last year.
Birds on the beach such as larger sand plovers, lower sand plovers, plirl kentish, Heron Karang Barat etc.
Reported from Muara Poovar.
Birds that migrate like green and general sandpipers and terns are said to be reported from Muara Veli.
The rice field under the Ministry of Agriculture in the Mosque in Kesavadasapuram also provides a very disappointing calculation with only a few wood and green sandpipers.
The team visited Pazhanchira wetlands which were relatively less disturbed near Attingal and counted 34 species.
The most prominent appearance of this location is Kingfishers quintet, including rare black Kingfisher.
Zoo Museums & Compounds are still a safe place for Eastern people who are endangered with nesting.
The crowd of 22 hersons of night and other water birds were seen around two large pools.
Akkulamp wetland fate better than Birding held last month as part of the Thiruvananthapuram bird race.
“Water bird is considered a wetland health indicator.
But the low number of this year in the amount and also in bird species of wetlands shows its poor health and thus is the cause of concern for all those who depend on him to survive.
Strict actions must be Taken by the relevant authority on the war foothold, “said K Sivakumar, AWC coordinator and senior education officer WWF India.

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