Alexander Lukashenko attacked defiant note a year after being contested by the selection of Belarus – News2IN

Alexander Lukashenko attacked defiant note a year after being contested by the selection of Belarus

Alexander Lukashenko attacked defiant note a year after being contested by the selection of Belarus
Written by news2in

Kyiv: Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, noted a consideration on Monday on the first warning of the election which according to his opponent so he could extend his long administration.
Lukashenko said at a press conference, he had won the presidential election fairly on August 9 last year, and that he protected his country against a cruel rebellion.
“Today Belarus is in the focus of attention all over the world,” he said.
Last year, some people were preparing for a fair selection, while others called …
for the d’etat coup.
” Tens of thousands of people took to the streets in 2020 in the biggest challenge for Lukashenko’s government since he first became president in 1994.
He has attached to power, and releases the hard action in which his main opponent is imprisoned or moved abroad.
Opposition said there were more than 600 political prisoners in prison.
Protests inside Belarus have boiled.
In Loggerhead with Western countries that impose sanctions on his government, Lukashenko has remained in power thanks to the support and financial support of traditional Russian allies, who saw Belarus as a buffer country against NATO and EU.
Belarus was pushed into the international spotlight again last week after Belarusian sprinter KrystSina Tsimanouskaya refused to obey the team’s orders to return from the Tokyo Olympics and seek protection in Poland.
Lukashenko has also rushed with the European Union because Belarusian authorities forced Ryanair flights flying in Belarus to the land in the capital, Minsk, in May and arrested a dissident Belarusian journalist on the ship.
Separately, the European Union neighbor Lithuania and Poland accused the government in Minsk to try to engineer the migrant crisis on the Belarusian border in retaliation for EU sanctions.
Lukashenko said Lithuania and Poland must be blamed.
Tens of thousands of people have been detained in lukashenko’s crackdown, which is explained by a UN senior human rights official as a “human rights crisis”.
Belarus who lives abroad held a demonstration against Lukashenko on Sunday in the European capital including Kyiv, London, Warsaw and Vilnius.
“One year ago today, the right to pick up their leaders was taken from #belarus people.
The European Union stands upright with you and will continue to do so,” European council president, Charles Michel, the European Union said, said in tweets.

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