Aliganj Loot: Kingpins Build a New Team for Every Robbery – News2IN
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Aliganj Loot: Kingpins Build a New Team for Every Robbery

Aliganj Loot: Kingpins Build a New Team for Every Robbery
Written by news2in

Lucknow: Masterminds Abconding from Boot Aliganj, Saurabh Patel, and Rahul Kumar, run the gang and plan their attack carefully, police said after arresting two accused on Thursday.
During the interrogation, accused of accusing Singh and Rudra Sharma revealed that almost 80% of the booty was with the mastermind.
A senior crime branch officer revealed that Saurabh and Rahul were also sought for booty at a jewelry store in Ashiana on March 8.
The gang has looted 500 grams of gold ornaments and 10 kg of silver ornaments from a jewelry store in Ashiana while holding the owner and his son took hostage.
“During the interrogation, both revealed that Saurabh and Rahul operated the gang and the target of the jewelry shop,” he added.
Saurabh and Rahul worked as a building contractor and found many people and coophyed those who desperately needed or seek financial assistance, “the official said.
They recruited those who needed and gave them only 25% of booty and escaped with the rest to Nepal.
Choose and target stores that do not have a complicated security cover, he added.
“They quietly and take a different team for every booty,” Other officials said.
Saurabh and Rahul instructed recruitment not to open fire when loaded except when in threats Great, police said.
“In Loot Aliganj, the mastermind opened fire in Shrawan because they had severe booty and did not want to leave him,” said an officer who knew the probe.

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