Allow Voice to your climate plan, retirement local government told UK company – News2IN
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Allow Voice to your climate plan, retirement local government told UK company

Written by news2in

The Retirement Scheme of the UK Government, TCI Hedge Fund and Asset Manager Sarasin have told the registered company in the UK to enable shareholders to vote on their climate transition action plan, said the Lokis Pension Fund Forum on Thursday.
The company must provide a resolution that outlines the disclosure of greenhouse gas emissions and reduction plans on the agenda of their 2022 annual general meeting, the three groups said in a letter to the company’s seat.
“The number of plans that fail to fulfill the objectives of the Paris Agreement are worried,” said Doug McMurdo, Laptff’s seat, referring to the global agreement to close the emissions and limit global warming.
“Covid is a dress exercise for climate change; We must learn and take meaningful action much faster in both front,” he added, referring to the impact of the global pandemic.
The encouragement for the sound of attending the campaign launch ‘said about the climate’ by the founder of TCI Chris Hohn last year and a similar voice in this season, in the company including Shell and Unilever.
Investors managed assets of $ 14 trillion called for such sounds globally earlier this year.

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