Anger as a climate protester blocking the M25 Highway London again – News2IN
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Anger as a climate protester blocking the M25 Highway London again

Anger as a climate protester blocking the M25 Highway London again
Written by news2in

LONDON: Climate change protesters ignore criticism from politicians and police to hold other protests to disrupt traffic hours busy using the busy M25 toll road in London on Monday, which leads to long tailbacks.
Activists from Insulates Britain, who want the British government is committed to providing isolation for 29 million homes, blocking the slipway, attaching themselves to the road and pour paint to the toll road.
This is an action like fourth in the past week to disturb M25 by the group.
It sent a letter to the highway agent and the police on Sunday to warn them that their campaign would last until the government fulfilled his demands.
The Secretary of the House (Minister of Home Affairs) Priti Patel has described an unacceptable protest and said the police must take firm action.
Angry riders said the action stopped people to go to work and appointments in the hospital, and it was alienating the community from the group’s goals.
“The protesters have explained that they intend to continue to cause interference,” said Superintendent Nick Caveney’s head from Hertfordshire police, who said it had made 29 arrests on Monday.
“Not only to intentionally block the highly dangerous highway, it also affects thousands of community members who are trapped in delays as a result”, drivers complain.

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