Antony Blinken collects the world to face inequality – News2IN
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Antony Blinken collects the world to face inequality

Antony Blinken collects the world to face inequality
Written by news2in

Paris: US Secretary of State Antony Blinken titled Tuesday in the most advanced countries in the world to take over the widening gaps between rich and poor people.
He told the organization for economic cooperation and development (OECD) in Paris that Coronavirus and climate change had worsened the inequality between and in the countries and the action must be taken to reverse the trend.
In addition to handling the two threats, he said at the OECD conference on the climate and security that limited corporate tax avoidance and ending discrimination against women and minorities was very important to improve global life conditions.
Blinken said the Biden government was committed to overcoming the root causes of injustice and inequality.
His comment came when President Joe Biden struggled to win the Congress approval of the big initiative aimed at doing it.
“Data is very clear: both pandemic and the climate crisis crashes into a population that is underwear in our most difficult society,” Blinken said.
He urged OECD members, who gave birth from the post-WWII Marshall plan that rebuilt many European-hit Europeans, to see their own mistakes for the situation.
“We all bear responsibilities for this,” Blinken said.
“For decades, our member countries measure economic success, especially in terms of increasing GDP (gross domestic product) and the stock market – which does not reflect the reality of millions of families working.
Instead, our unprecedented growth has come up with increasing injustice .
“To fight it, he said that he established a minimum tax rate of the global company would” avoid the race that defeated himself down “which has emerged with competing countries to offer the lowest tax rates, which in turn enables them” to avoid paying them Fair shares.
“That, said Blinken, will potentially return around $ 100 billion to $ 240 billion in revenue to annual government cash that can be invested in education, health care and environmentally friendly infrastructure.
He said discrimination against women and girls and the LGBTQ community also encouraged inequality and inhibiting growth and development.
He said the US can fund OECD initiatives to measure such discrimination costs and see how to reverse it.
“At the heart of all this effort is the recognition that, more than before, our true country wealth is found not only in our natural resources, our military power, our population size, or our geographic expansion, many of our natural resources, but in people Our people, and in our capacity to fully let go of their potential, “Blinken said.

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