Around 114,000 Western German households without flooding after floods – News2IN

Around 114,000 Western German households without flooding after floods

Around 114,000 Western German households without flooding after floods
Written by news2in

Frankfurt: Thick floods in West Germany have left 114,000 households without strength on Friday, said WestNetz spokesman, the largest electrical distribution grid company in the country.
The death toll rises to more than 80 on Friday in terms of losing the worst German life in years as further floods feared in West Germany as a violation in other towering dams.
“All employees available are in place and work under high pressure to restore inventory,” WestNetz spokesman said in response to the investigation.
The company, part of E.On Group, operates the grid that stretches most of the North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate, but not Cologne Cities, Wuppertaldal.
It supplies around 7.5 million with power, gas, water and heat.
The days of rain continuously in the area have caused the river level to rise sharply and soften the land, and further floods are feared.
The whole community lies in the ruins after river water sweeps the city and village.
Westnetz said that the power station and transformers were turned off when flooded.
Some are now difficult to reach to test, clean and improve work because many roads are still flooding or damaged.
Some installations that experience large damage can be replaced temporarily by switching to alternative supply sites, or to emergency generators.
E.On in a statement says that it will replace some costs to be subject to stairs to use electrical-powered drying equipment and water pumps, as part of voluntary aid assistance.
Some mobile networks collapse, train transportation has been disrupted, and shipping on parts of Rhine, an important trading artery, remains suspended.

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