As-Russian talks in Geneva are ‘positive’: Kremlin – News2IN

As-Russian talks in Geneva are ‘positive’: Kremlin

As-Russian talks in Geneva are 'positive': Kremlin
Written by news2in

Moscow: Talks between the United States and Russia in Geneva are the initial “positive” to continue dialogue amid tensions in Ukraine, Kremlin said on Tuesday.
“This deserves a positive assessment,” Kremlin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov said to reporters.
“But this is not the process of process …
the important thing here is the result.
There is nothing to say about the results.” Officials were high and Russia met in the city of Switzerland on Monday for the first meeting of a week of diplomatic activities between Russia and West.
The calculation of high betting came amid fears of Russian invasion to his pro-Western neighbors of Ukraine.
Moscow demanded a broad concession from Washington and his NATO allies, which in turn threatened severe sanctions on any attack.
Moscow denied the conversation that the attack was planned, despite facilitating tens of thousands of troops on the Ukrainian border.
Both parties said there was no breakthrough on talks on Monday but they agreed for further dialogue.
“There are a few rounds in the future to make a clear picture of where we are,” Peskov said.
“There aren’t many reasons for optimism.
Will be naive to believe that one round will give complete results,” he said.
Monday’s conversation in Geneva launched the days of intensive diplomacy between Russia and the West after the Russian troops on the border with Ukraine triggered a cold war style deadlock.
The NATO-Russian Council meeting will take place in Brussels on Wednesday, the permanent Council of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) will meet in Vienna on Thursday with the problem of Ukraine which is expected to dominate.

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