Attack on gas pipes in Syria causes a brief power outage – News2IN
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Attack on gas pipes in Syria causes a brief power outage

Written by news2in

Damascus: Attack with explosive devices placed along the Southeast Natural Gas Pipes Syrian capital destroyed power in the part of the country before being quickly restored, the electricity said Saturday.
No one immediately claimed responsibility for the attack, which was the latest incident of sabotage that targeted the oil infrastructure and Syrian gas.
During the 10-year conflict, Syrian oil and gas infrastructure is subject to recurrent attacks and many oil fields now lie outside the government-controlled area.
Southeast Damascus’s attack at the end of Friday targets a pipe that feeds nearly 50% of Syrian power plants, according to Electricity Minister Ghassan Al-Zamel, whose comments are brought by government media.
He said the attack caused a decrease in transmission pressure, influencing different power plants in this country.
Maintenance work began at the beginning of Saturday and power was restored to all provinces, said al-Zamel.
But he warned that the quota would be “severe” until all repair work was finished.
A statement from the Ministry of Oil calls it “terrorist attacks targeting Arab natural gas pipes” in the area of ​​Haran Al-Awamid in Southern Syria.
Pipes are part of the transregional gas export pipeline used to bring natural gas from Egypt to Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon.
Exports stop before the Syrian War, but the pipeline has been integrated into the country’s grid.

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