Gurgaon: Industry in Gurgaon, especially car makers, has welcomed the recent government policy boost for making semiconductors and display units that they believe in will eventually improve supply chain disorders and increase the production of light motor vehicles.
According to the automotive industry, the incentive scheme (PLI) 76,000Crore (PLI) will help overcome the problem of semiconductor deficiency which is an important element in the production of light motor vehicles.
That step, they claim, will also help reduce their dependence on countries such as China and uncertainty over import due to cross-border trade restrictions because of Covid-19 or geopolitical problems.
The Union Cabinet on Wednesday gave a nod to the PLI scheme which aims to make the country “independent” for semi-conductors and create new job opportunities through regulating 100 new domestic semiconductor design companies and 15 component smiles and packaging units.
It aims to train around one lakh engineer and technician to work in this new plant.
According to producers, semiconductors are important components in the production of lightweight motor vehicles because they are used for various functions and user experiences such as navigation, parking, and the function of safety and driver assistance.
“Semiconductors play an important role in the car sector.
They are needed in making light vehicles because technology has become a mainstay, second to core mechanical capacity, for producers.
And any disturbances in the supply chain have a bad impact on production.
During the pandemic, the most recent pinches,” MD said from a Bajaj motorbike based in Gurgaon.
“This is of course the good news for district car manufacturers.
They don’t have to run to other countries for these important elements in the production of cars,” said the President of the Gurgaon Industry Association (GIA) JN Mangla.