Babies with 850g birth weight are stored in GMCH – News2IN
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Babies with 850g birth weight are stored in GMCH

Written by news2in

Nagpur: Doctors in the Neonatal Care Department from the Medical College and Hospital government (GMCH) with skilled in handling cases of challenging baby boys born with 850g birth weight.
Babies born with low birth weight like that have little chance to survive, but in this case, babies rose to 1 kg of weight in 1 month, and began to breathe natural.
The doctor told Ti that Dinesh Chachere and his wife Shubhangi was blessed with a baby boy on November 11, but the baby was born in a complicated and less severe condition.
Doctors at the Regional Government Hospital store babies in the ventilator and refer to the Nagpur GMCH.
“Previously, the baby was stored in oxygen support and when they reach the GMCH, the condition was worse.
The baby is in the ventilator.
We consider it a challenge and start treatment,” said Dr.
Sayra Merchant, Head of the Pediatric Department.
Associate Professor Dr.
Mohini Apte, and the nursing team under the meaning of Atram and Gunwanti Takod attended a baby in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).
After two weeks, the baby shifted back to the oxygen support of the ventilator.
After 21 days, the baby began to breathe naturally.
The baby’s weight today is 1.430g and stay with his mother now.

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