Bangladesh: Protest was held against Pakistan’s invasion to Kashmir in 1947 – News2IN
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Bangladesh: Protest was held against Pakistan’s invasion to Kashmir in 1947

Bangladesh: Protest was held against Pakistan's invasion to Kashmir in 1947
Written by news2in

Dhaka: The massive protest was held in the city of Dhaka Bangladesh to mark October 22 as “Black Day” when the Pakistani troops attacked the innocent Kashmir population in 1947 to take control of the Jammu and Kashmir with the code name “Gulmarg surgery.” This event was parallel with the 1971 genocide with the name of the “Search Operation” code by Pak Pas Force in Bangladesh.
Rationalism and the Liberalism Practice Forum, Bangladesh, held a seminar on the Day in Dhaka Reporters Unity, which was attended by more than 100 participants.
Banners and placards condemned the massacre in Kashmir by pakistani-supported tribes displayed in the seminar hall.
Open dialogue, Dhaka-based NGOs, organize a human chain of more than 100 people on “black days” with banners “Disgusting Blue Print from Pakistani Army” in front of the Pakistani High Commission in Dhaka “.
Through the Atroocities of Pakistani soldiers from humans, children , looting and looting are highlighted in posters and banners with indicative slogans such as “Kashmir invasion – Pakistani pre-planned attacks, executed by soldiers and attackers”, “Victims – Pakistan is a Jammu and Kashmir meat artisan”, “Pakistan’s Cruel Conspiracy – 1947 and 1971 genocide ” The search “was carried out in the BD War in 1971, this equation was also highlighted through Act.
The action saw more than 200 Peno Non.
The Bangladeshi Social Activist Forum (BSAF), Bangladesh organized the human chain to mark the opportunity “black day” on October 22 at the Hadith Park, Khulna and Rajshahi University, Rajshahi where more than 400 participants took part.
The participants were seen wearing a t-shirt with a black day marked on them as a statement of protest against innocent Kashmir’s murder in 1947 and genocide in 1971.
Through the chain, the cruelty of the army was highlighted, the indicative slogan in both Bengali English passed Poster / banners against Pakistan’s evil actions.
Then, the participants formed a bicycle rally and moved around the city to spread the message.
Swadhinata Sangram Parishad, when 20 members of the organization were collected in front of the Pakistani High Commission, Dhaka, at 8:00 a.m., to participate in the demonstration against the army genocide in Kashmir on October 22, 1947, Pak Genocide in Bangladesh (March 25, 1971) and the murder of Bangabandhu (15 August 1975) and the Taliban cruelty supported by Pak in Afghanistan (2021).
Members held posters, banners stated above and urged Pakistan to apologize.
Muktijoddha Mancha organized a photo exhibition (at 3pm), a discussion seminar (4pm) and filtering of documentaries (at 6pm) in front of the National Museum, Shahbag, Dhaka University, on the same occasion.
As many as around 500 people, including students, professors and sheets – by attending events, which are also valued by the crowd.
About 20 Kashmir medical students studying at Dhaka University also independently protested wearing a black badge and carrying posters that condemned Pakistan.
The Brahmanbaria and Udichi human rights organization held a human chain, participating by around 400 people, carrying posters, banners, etc.
Highlight Pakistani cruelty in humanity and use of terrorism as a state policy.
About 5000 Handbill, highlighted the causes of black days and Pakistani past records distributed among people who were conscious Khagrachari, Rangamati, Bandarban and Chittagong.
A similar program was held in various places in Bangladesh, who witnessed the demonstration against Pakistan’s vile actions in 1947 and 1971.

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