Because the Hungarian anti-LGBT laws come into force, some teachers challenge – News2IN

Because the Hungarian anti-LGBT laws come into force, some teachers challenge

Because the Hungarian anti-LGBT laws come into force, some teachers challenge
Written by news2in

Budapest: When Hungary passed the law last month limiting children’s access to discussions about homosexuality, Chemistry Teacher Transgender, Floris Feltegi-Balta, not sure if he could continue to teach at all.
The new Hungarian anti-LGBT law, which came into force on Thursday, has led to anxiety in the LGBT community and added uncertainty to the National Police Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who has increased the campaign against LGBT people next year.
Orban, in power since 2010, has grown more radical on social policy in what he describes as a fight to protect the traditional values ​​of Christians from Western liberalism.
“I continue to research the law to see if I can even continue to teach,” Feltegi-Balta said, who specializes in biology and chemistry in Budapest Middle School and is in the process of assignment.
“One law interpretation is that by appearing and teaching, I display the WSCA.” School, which is personal, tells him that he should not worry.
“We will do everything to make a place to live for the student’s body and to gain our parents and students’ trust,” an official told Reuters.
“And if a concrete case appears, we will argue about every legal forum,” he said.
Hungarian law said under the 18s it cannot be shown porn content, or any content that encourages gender or homosexuality reassales.
It also proposes a list of groups that are permitted to hold sex education sessions at school.
Feltegi-Balta runs an extracurricular workshop that discusses the issue of LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) and supports children in dealing with problems in their personal lives.
“From a scientific point of view, I will lie if I don’t tell the children about the existence of homosexuality and transecurity.
But this doesn’t mean I will promote this problem,” he said.
“We will not run self sensor.” “Children are not blind”.
The law, which has attracted a curse in Western Europe, said the teachers found that breaking it could face an unexpointed penalty, which will be defined later.
Legislation will also determine whether the course is held by Feltegi-Balta holding according to new law, said a government spokesman.
The Organian government said that the law was not intended for homosexuals but about protecting children and that it must primarily until parents educate their children about their sexuality.
After the law passed, the Union Liberties Civil Liberties published a post on the Facebook group that said that the new law was unfair and civil disobedience against him was justified.
Some teachers told Reuters they will continue to discuss the issue of LGBT in school, because the legal provisions are not realistic considering that students themselves often increase the subject in their class or watch movies.
“Children are not blind,” said Eva Gadanecz, who taught in public high school in Budapest.
“They are not deaf, they live in the world and if they raise this in class or in a field trip, then you respond.” Gadanecz tells a story about a teenage girl who has shown his own wound on his skin when he struggles to make peace with his sexual identity.
“By talking about these problems, it allows children to see that they are not alone and this is normal and accepted, then maybe one fewer adolescents will commit suicide, or two will avoid depression,” he said.
“I will continue as I have done so far.
I don’t want to change anything.” Adam Nemeth, a psychologist and former chairman of the LGBTQ section of the Hungarian psychological association, said it was his professional duty to treat patients regardless of all legal constraints.
“Honestly, if it really becomes a law in the sense that they will apply it, I really look forward to the case against me,” he said.
“If they say that I harm my clients with …
respect their identity, I’m ready to take it …
I am very angry with everything.”

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