‘Bhandara’s Vax Feat is bigger than Mumbai, Pune’ – News2IN
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‘Bhandara’s Vax Feat is bigger than Mumbai, Pune’

'Bhandara's Vax Feat is bigger than Mumbai, Pune'
Written by news2in

Nagpur: Bhandara Sandeep Kadam’s collector always leads from the front.
He worked hard at first to make the first district in the state of not having a patient lacking treatment on August 6 and now to bring it to the top 3 of the vulcacity coverage chart.
Kadam said the district reached the coverage of the 91% vaccine was a great achievement and the success story of the team, strategies, and cooperation by people.
How do you see Bhandara District resolve at least one dose of 91% vaccination from a qualified population? We were third after Mumbai and Pune.
Our achievements compared to these two big cities deserve more awards.
This is because nearly 75,000 residents of Bhandara district domicile have migrated to other cities for professional and other purposes.
This reduces the number of populations that meet the requirements of 8.98 lakh to 8.23 ​​lakh.
Of these, we have suffered at least 8.1 lakh people.
Mumbai and Pune have a significant migrant population.
Finally, this district will reach more than 100% vaccination targets.
But Bhandara, even if the rural and tribal districts are dominated, have achieved that achievement.
What are your strategies to vaccinate people scattered in different hamlets and villages? Reach more and more people and attract local residents in campaigns is our strategy.
Especially in villages, we involve teachers who enjoy good respect between the masses.
Not only at the block level, we also form village committees and locality to convince people for vaccination.
Our USP is the location of the vaccine session.
We chose the location strategically so that people from any area could get a vaccination center within walking distance.
But there is a vaccine doubt in people.
How do you handle it? Like other districts in Vidarbha, Bhandara also has several villages where people are reluctant to take a vaccine.
We took a positive approach and made it a point to arrange camps in the villages attached to these places.
Gradually, when people mix and mouth to mouth, some of the residents of the villages who are reluctant to be interested in vaccination.
They helped us convince others.
Now, we have discussed more than 90% of rural populations.
There are religious and community level opposition to vaccines in many districts …
of course, some communities or people who have certain religions do not work together before.
So, we involve religious leaders and educated doctors, teachers from the same community to deal with these people.
These people believe in the Word of religious leaders.
So they also work together later.
What is your next target? We still have around 15,000 people who are not vaccinated.
They are reluctant and spread in scattered pockets, so it is not easy to target them.
Consequently, we have decided to focus on the second dose.
We have given the first dose of a record number in the second half of August.
All of these people will be eligible for their second dose of post-Diwali.
You will see a record second dose in Bhandara in November-end.

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