Biden commented on defending Taiwan highlighting US-Chinese tensions – News2IN
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Biden commented on defending Taiwan highlighting US-Chinese tensions

Biden commented on defending Taiwan highlighting US-Chinese tensions
Written by news2in

Washington: United States and China fired Verbal Volley with each other above Taiwan on Friday, the fraying decades were quietly strategic ambiguity with the problem with the risk of turning on another global flashpoint.
The new line erupted after US President Joe Biden promised the Townhall CNN program to protect Taiwan if it came across from China, surprising to distance himself from the old one-China policy of Washington which effectively recognized Beijing’s long-term claim for Taiwan.
Although the White House then rowed back Biden’s comments, said that there were no changes in US policy, it sparked anger in Beijing, which in recent months has turned on the threat to bring Taiwan forcibly if necessary, fighter aircraft flying near the island and practicing beach landing.
“When it comes to problems related to Chinese sovereignty and territorial integrity and other core interests, there is no room for China to compromise or make concessions.
No one has to underestimate the strong determination, the company’s desires and strong abilities of the Chinese people to defend national sovereignty And territorial integrity, “said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin.
China urged the United States “not to send the wrong signal to the strength of Taiwan’s independence, to avoid harm and peace and peace of Sino-US seriously in the Taiwan Strait,” he added.
In his comment, Biden said the US did not want a new cold war but expressed concern about whether China would be “involved in activities that would put them in a position where they could make serious mistakes” – implicit reference for aggressive Chinese movements in recent months.
“I just want to make China understand that we will not retreat, we will not change our view.” Biden said.
Asked whether A.S.
will come to the Taiwan defense if attacked, he replied: “Yes, we have a commitment to do that.” This is not the first time Biden let go of the idea that the US will defend Taiwan, every time it allows servants roll back and say there are no changes in US policy, which only recognizes Beijing while surviving to maintain Taiph with sales and inventory.
“US defense relations with Taiwan are guided by Taiwanese relations laws.
We will enforce our commitment under the law, we will continue to support Taiwan’s self-defense, and we will continue to oppose any unilateral changes in the status quo,” A building spokesman said White.
Other US officials have been more careful.
Asked Friday by a reporter at Brussels at the NATO meeting whether we would defend Taiwan if attacked by China, US defense secretary Lloyd Austin said he would not discuss hypothetical situations, while asserting, “no one wants to see cross-strait problems coming blows – of course Just not President Biden, and there is no reason why it should be.
“He added that Washington remained committed to the old” Chinese “policy.

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