Biden’s approval fell to the lowest level this year after the Taliban takeover – News2IN

Biden’s approval fell to the lowest level this year after the Taliban takeover

Biden's approval fell to the lowest level this year after the Taliban takeover
Written by news2in

WASHINGTON: Agriculture Ranking President Joe Biden fell 7 percentage points and reached the lowest level as far as the Afghan government supported by the US collapsed during the weekend in the upheaval that sent thousands of civilians and Afghan military advisors to escape their safety, according to a.
Reuters / IPSSS polls.
The national opinion poll, was conducted on Monday, found that 46% of American adults agreed to the performance of Biden in the office, the lowest recorded in a weekly poll starting when Biden served in January.
Also dropped from 53% who felt the same in the similar Reuters / IPSSS poll that took place on Friday.
Biden’s popularity fell when the Taliban set aside Afghan troops and entered the capital, Kabul, removed two decades of military presence A.S.
which costs a trillion dollar taxpayer and thousands of American lives.
A separate IPSOS poll, also carried out on Monday, found that less than half of Americans liked the way Biden had directed US and diplomatic military efforts in Afghanistan this year.
The President, who just praised Afghan forces because “well equipped like in the world,” was considered worse than the other three presidents who led the longest war of the United States.

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